Livery Food Initiative Truck for City Harvest
Wednesday 6 March 2024
On 5th March, representatives from a number of Livery Companies gathered outside Mansion House where, in the presence of the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs, the Livery Food Initiative handed over the keys for a new Truck to City Harvest. This is the second truck that has been supplied with donations from a number of Livery Companies including the Needlemakers and and additional fundraising work to keep the van on the road for the next 3 years was on track to meet the required. The initiative is spearheaded by Hilary Lindsay, Past Master of the Chartered Accountants Company and wife the a Liveryman of the Needlemakers Company. She gave an informative webinar to Needlemakers about the Livery Food Initiative which was set up during the pandemic to join work tackling food poverty within the City and she also spoke about the work of City Harvest which collects surplus food and delivers it to a number of charities across London