Old Palace Primary School, Tower Hamlets

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Old Palace Primary School is situated in one of the most deprived areas in the country. The majority of the pupils come from homes where both parents are unemployed and many live in overcrowded conditions. In addition, cultural factors make it uncommon for the children to travel beyond the locality.

For several years, we have provided financial assistance to allow the school to take 30 children on a three day residential trip to Gilwell Park, an activity centre run by the Scouting Association, which is located near Epping. This has provided an amazing opportunity for the children to try activities such as archery, kayaking and wall climbing for the first time. They are also involved in a range of team building exercises and enjoy the independence of being away from home overnight for the first time. For many it is the first time that they have visited the countryside away from London , enjoying the freedom of open space and the wildlife all around.

Assistant Harvey Roland is a Governor of the School. Harvey and Past Master Pamela Goldberg recently visited the school and had nothing but praise for the amazing work being done by the teaching staff and the positive, imaginative and learning atmosphere that they have created.

The school have sent us a folder with some 'thank you' letters from some of the children who at the latest trip - some of these are reproduced as a download here: